Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Analytical Acronyms

The following acronyms will be used during the course of the year to assist in analyzing various data and visual aids.

Political Cartoons: TACOS
Time When was the cartoon created?
Action What is going on in the cartoon?
Caption What does the cartoon label say? What do you think that means? Is it
critical to the action of the cartoon?
Objects What familiar objects or people do you recognize in the cartoon.
Identify 2-3 objects.
Summary Based upon the action and caption, what do you think the cartoonist is
trying to say?

Charts & Graphs: LUKAS
Label What is the label of the chart or graph?
Units What units of measurement are used in the graph?
Key Examine the key. What do the symbols, colors, etc. represent?
Content Read the content. Ask a specific question about the data.
Assumptions What assumption or attitude can be made about the graph? Is it bias?
Who might get mad about the data on the chart?
Summary What 2-3 things have you learned from reading the chart?

Photographs: OPTIC
Overview What is generally happening in the picture?
Parts What specific details can you find in the picture?
Title What is the title of the photograph or picture? Make one up based on
the action in the picture if there is not one?
Interaction Based on the details, why is this the title?
Conclusion Why are we focusing on the picture? What is important for us to learn
from it?

Primary Source Documents: SOAPS
Speaker Who is speaking or who wrote the document?
Occasion When does this take place or at what event?
Audience Who was this spoken to or written for?
Purpose What was the intention of this document?
Subject What is actually being stated?

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